TTEK Delivers Risk Management Workshop to Trinidad & Tobago Customs

In line with the development and delivery of a Risk Management System for Customs and OGAs under the Strengthening of the Trinidad and Tobago Electronic Single Window, On November 7-8, TTEK delivered a comprehensive 2-day Customs focused risk management workshop, designed exclusively for Customs practitioners.

The workshop covered International best practices in targeting and selectivity drawing from benchmarks and best practice promoted by the World Customs Organization, World Trade Organization, Intergovernmental Organizations including the World Bank and InterAmerican Development Bank, as well as methodologies and leading approaches used by modern customs administrations.

TTEK Project Manager Bart Hosley discusses functional requirements for a modern Customs Risk Management System.

TTEK Project Manager Bart Hosley discusses functional requirements for a modern Customs Risk Management System.

The workshop included comprehensive and in-depth content on targeting and selectivity of high risk trade using leading edge technologies. The agenda included:

  • Intro to Customs Risk Management / Global Landscape of RM Systems

  • International Best Practices, Benchmarks, and Standards

  • The Role of Digital Modernization in Customs

  • Live Demonstration of an Automated Customs Risk Management System

  • Threat Prioritization / Fiscal and Non-Fiscal Threats

  • Data Ontology, Data Model and Elements – Establishing Border Visibility

  • Data Exploitation / Risk Assessment Framework for Decision Making

  • Deductive, Inductive, and Predictive Modelling Approaches

  • Analytical Workflow and Triage / Creating Targets for Inspection

  • Live Demonstration of Revenue Leakage Analytics System

  • Operational CONOPs and National Targeting Center Approach

  • Risk Analysis Methodology for Cargo using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

TTEK CSO, Brent Patten facilitates a discussion on National Targeting Centers + a Concept of Operations for establishing a targeting unit for Customs.

TTEK CSO, Brent Patten facilitates a discussion on National Targeting Centers + a Concept of Operations for establishing a targeting unit for Customs.

TTEK Instructors included Chris Thibedeau (CEO), Mike Squirrell (CTO), Brent Patten (CSO), and Bart Hosley (PM), adding up to nearly 100 years of instructor domain expertise in this field alone.

With the workshop declared as a resounding success, next steps include delivery of an automated risk management system using deductive and inductive analytics to manage watch-lists and lookouts, risk indicator rules, risk profiles + predictive analytics to accommodate predictive modelling, forecasting, and scenario based targeting.

Only the top GDP nations can afford to operate using machine learning and artificial intelligence as a platform for identifying high risk targets. Upon delivery of the system, Trinidad and Tobago Customs will be among a select few countries with these capabilities.

TTEK Instructors included Chris Thibedeau, Brent Patten, and Bart Hosely

TTEK Instructors included Chris Thibedeau, Brent Patten, and Bart Hosely

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