Does your organization use ASYCUDA++ or ASYCUDA World? Our Risk Management and Electronic Single Window solutions will provide the greatest return on investment...guaranteed.
ASYCUDA serves a purpose as an electronic filing system for Trade data. The system is best served as a "system of record" and layered with functions for best practices in Risk Management and Electronic Single Window.
ASYCUDA (Automated System For Customs Data)
ASYCUDA is a customs management system developed by UNCTAD which covers some foreign trade procedures. The system handles manifests and customs declarations, and some accounting procedures. ASYCUDA does not include Electronic Single Window Functions or an effective Risk Management Module.
We recognize investments have been made to deploy ASYCUDA as the Trade declaration processing system in over 90 countries. We believe it's important to be collaborative and build upon these initial investments. We are acutely familiar with ASYCUDA++ and ASYCUDA World, and the underlying database schema, and functions.
In most instances, we would not promote a replacement to an investment that has already been made. We have technology platforms to serve as plug-ins on top of the current ASYCUDA platform for risk management and electronic single window.
Our ASYCUDA Plugin for Risk Management Targeting and Selectivity. Drawing upon our experience and expertise in building risk management solutions for global customs administrations, we now offer a low cost MVP solution that is easily configured for your Customs or Border Administration. Call or email for a proposal and/or quote today. Compare functions with ASYCUDA's Risk Management Module and the choice becomes clear. The ASYCUDA Module still locks your organization into risk aversion tactics. Do your officers operate as gatekeepers or intelligence analysts? We'll teach your officers to become highly skilled analysts. They'll learn to exploit your trade data in a manner that identifies high risk threats arriving in your country while they simultaneously facilitate pre-approved and/or low risk trade. We'll help you reduce release times, recoup lost or evaded revenue, and increase enforcement. Your greatest step towards modernization lies here in this leading edge, low cost application. For more information on our risk management methodologies, please refer to our Risk Management Solutions site.
Electronic Single Window
Our ASYCUDA Plugin for Electronic Single Window Application provides your organization with a platform to manage interoperability and interaction with Other Government Agencies (OGAs). Easily manage a workflow process for Licenses, Permits, Certificates, and Other Admissibility Documents (LPCOs) for application by Traders and brokers, approval by OGAs, integration with the ASYCUDA declaration, and the triggering of a release notice for terminal and warehouse operators. Improve collaborative border management, reduce release times, improve trade statistics, and simplify border processing all in one system. ASYCUDA allows you to scan and attach a paper permit to a declaration on file. That over simplifies the collaboration required for Customs to partner and work together with OGAs. The solution includes the 3CE Natural Language Processing engine for the Harmonized Tariff System and a Trade Data Management System for managing electronic versions of LPCOs. For more information on our approach to Electronic Single Window, please refer to our ESW Solutions site.
Call or email for a proposal and/or quote today.