Founders / Leadership
Chris Thibedeau
32+ years experience
Expertise: Border Management, Customs Modernization, Risk Management Systems, Advanced Analytics, Electronic Single Window
Masters of International Customs Administration, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia
Bachelor of Arts Acadia University, Wolfville, Canada
Scott Murray
25+ years experience
Expertise: Operations, Corporate Strategy, Finance, Business Development, Legal, communications, IR/PR, R&D, Intellectual Property, Regulatory and Corporate Governance
Masters of Business, Law, Ottawa University, Canada
Pharmacy Degree, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Dan Rochon
25+ years experience
Electronic Single Window Design, Commercial Trade Processing, Border/OGA Coordination, Enterprise Architecture
Bachelor of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Certified Project Management Professional – PMP, Professional Management Institute
25+ years experience
Customs and Border Processing Technologies, Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Platform Development & Integration
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) Kingston University, London, England
Master in Management Macquarie Graduate School of Management, New South Wales, Australia
30+ years experience and Accredited by the WCO as a Customs Expert, with extensive international consulting experience including successful WCO, UN and WTO projects in Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific Region.
Expert in project implementation covering Customs organizational reform and strategic planning, management and technical strengthening including implementation of ASYCUDA, Single Window, Risk Management and Targeting, Revised Kyoto Convention, Authorized Economic Operator (AEO).
Proven performance as Australian Customs senior executive level as Acting National Manager Sea Cargo and International Mail, Acting Regional Director Victoria and Acting Regional Commander (Vic/Tas).
35+ years senior leadership in Customs and Border Management, Operations, Enforcement, and Modernization
Executive level Customs consultant focusing on business analysis and systems development with Director General level experience in Customs project management, program development and border operations. Certified Project Management Professional-PMP.
30+ years as an International senior level expert in Customs Modernization, Trade Facilitation, Commercial Fraud, Border Security, and Capacity Building and a diagnostician in customs procedures.
Team leader with the CARIFORUM Regional Projects and former Permanent Secretary of the Caribbean Customs Law Enforcement Council (CLEC).
20+ years of experience as an international consultant and IT project manager, with specializations in customs, judicial systems, and procurement modernization.
Worked in more than 15 countries in Asia, the Middle East and South America including key Customs projects such as the uCustoms Modernization in Malaysia and the Integrated Risk Management System in Trinidad and Tobago. Has a functional knowledge of 6 languages and holds PMP, CISSP, and ITIL certifications.
35+ years senior leadership in Customs Intelligence, Risk Management, Border Operations and Corporate Security.
Senior level Consultant focussing on Internal / Corporate Security, Border Enforcement, and Customs Intelligence.
Senior Security Analyst at Privy Council Office of Canada’s Departmental Security Office Development Initiative.
Director General of the CBSA’s Security and Professional Standards Directorate.
Director of the CBSA’s Intelligence and Risk Management Division.
Extensive experience in Customs policy and program development.
Executive lead for the development and implementation of the CBSA’s National Risk Assessment Centre.
30+ years experience in Customs and Trade Facilitation matters, particularly in value-added business process automation.
Experienced in system post implementation evaluation and review.
8 years managing the Information Systems and Telecommunications Service for The World Customs Organization (WCO).
Practiced in the development and deployment of IT applications.
Experienced in research and deployment of cost effective solutions with emphasis on open-source technologies for organizations in developing countries.
28+ years of experience as a Border Management professional at the Officer, front line Supervisor, Operational Chief, and Director levels.
Significant expertise in inspection technologies and risk management methodologies.
Commander for the arrival of a migrant vessel arrival on Canada's west coast.
Assigned to the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand heading the CBSA's team assembled to disrupt human smuggling activities in Southeast Asia.
Helped implement the first mobile gamma-ray imaging apparatus in Canada and assisted in the national implementation of a large-scale imaging program.
Provided consulting services as a risk management specialist for the Customs Border Management Services in Haiti, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, and the CBSA National Targeting Centre.
20+ Years Business System Analyst, Security, and Intelligence Professional
Accomplished senior consultant leading multiple major projects.
Expert in Intelligence, National Security, IT Development, and Cargo Threats.
Experience managing software development / operational projects.
Led the development of the import risk targeting solution at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, implementing the first ITDS web services data exchange with U.S. CBP.
Manager and analyst at the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
Led the effort to build and operationalize a global cargo information system.
Five years active duty in U.S. Army Intelligence including the U.S. National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) and overseas deployments.
33+ years extensive experience in multiple facets of border management, having served with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for over 32 years.
Significant and extensive experience in Commercial Import Processing, Tariff, Valuation, Origin; Audit and Investigations.
Managed numerous multi-year, multi-million-dollar projects on behalf of the CBSA which included managing the Harmonized Risk Scoring/Advanced Trade Data project, which enhanced the security of Canada by improving risk management methodologies in the marine targeting mode.
Experience in Customs and Trade IT Project in Africa including Namibia, Senegal, Madagascar, and Mauritius, including integration with ASYCUDA World with Oracle E-business Suite Financials using Oracle Service Orientated framework for Namibia Ministry of Finance, designing a data warehouse for Customs Risk Management Analytics for Madagascar.
Significant and extensive experience in public sector Customs/Trade account revenue management and financial process re-engineering.
35+ years experience in customs program delivery, border operations and policy development. Former senior executive with Canada Border Services Agency.
Accredited WCO Customs Modernization Advisor.
Successful launch of Barbados Electronic Single Window in January 2017, including public outreach and the delivery of private and public-sector training.
Substantial experience liaising with and assisting exporters, importers and foreign governments on sensitive trade issues.
Expertise in developing and strengthening performance measurement tools, key performance indicators (KPIs), and reports.
25+ years experience in Global Trade Services for FEDEX and Western Europe Operations Programs for DHL Worldwide Express as well as Former WCO Office of the Secretary General, Chief Financial Officer responsible for finance functions, including the development of strategic initiatives.
Functioned as a key interface between the WCO and international development partners on Customs modernization such as the IMF, the World Bank, the IADB, the European Union, the US State Department, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japanese & Korean Customs Cooperation Funds.
15+ years experience as a Senior Business Analyst and Project Manager with significant experience working on international Customs, Single Window and Revenue Projects.
Distribution focal point, Project Optima for Systems, Applications, Products for data processing (SAP), VIVO Energy Uganda.
Business Process Re-engineering Consultant, USAID South African Trade Hub, Malawi National Single Window Project.
Technical lead (OSBP infrastructure) in the successful establishment of the Elegu One Stop Boarder Post (OSBP) project in 2012 at Uganda Revenue Authority.
15+ years of Enterprise & Business Architecture Experience.
Extensive technical and business experience working with various system engineering applications (VB .Net, IBM’s Operational Decision Manager (ODM) v.8.7, among others).
Significant experience managing projects and leading technical and business and systems analysis.
Skillful facilitator and trainer, having led several JAD sessions and training sessions. Furthermore, he holds a TOGAF certification for Enterprise Architecture and is a TOGAF trainer.
Involved in the development of a Business Rules Management System (BRMS) for the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) using IBM’s Operational Decision Management (ODM).
John Tremills
25+ years' experience in customs border operations, program development and delivery, and policy development and implementation with the Canada Border Services Agency and partner government departments.
Former Customs Border Services Officer with significant experience in Marine, Air, and Commercial operations.
Former accredited WCO Customs Modernization Diagnostic Facilitator. Team member of WCO-sponsored capacity-building diagnostic missions for Nicaragua and Peru.
Significant experience representing the CBSA, other government departments and the Government of Canada with importers, exporters, industry stakeholders, other government departments and international partners.
25+ years experience and Accredited by the WCO as a Customs Expert, with extensive international consulting experience including successful WCO, WTO, ITC and ESCWA projects in the MENA Region.
Extensive experience in simplifying Customs procedures, trade security and facilitation and capacity building in Jordan and the MENA region based on internationals standards – WCO Regional Development Manager 2007-2010 and a Customs Expert at the WCO ROCB for the MENA 2010-2012.
Supported Saudi Customs and UAE Federal Customs Authority Authorized Economic Operator implementation.
Assisted in drafting National Strategic risk management plans and operational risk management plans for land, sea, and air borders for Jordan Customs.
Kinan El Jajeh
15+ years experience -Border Controls Solutions and Project Management Professional with experience in solution architecture and analysis of services and software solution in numerous industry verticals.
Bachelor degree in Software engineering. Over 7 years experience in GCC region.
Significant and extensive experience and expertise in multi biometric identification solutions and ID documents personalization in addition to Border control solutions including eGates systems.
25+ years as a highly experienced Customs Internal Audit, Trade & Tax specialist in the areas of Revenue Processing Systems, Duties & Taxes, Customs & Border Management systems, Trade Facilitation, Non-Tariff Measures and Protections & Indirect Taxes.
Customs IT Manager, ISACA qualified Information Systems Auditor, and qualified Systems Analyst with extensive experience working in New Zealand, Philippines, Laos, Vietnam, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, UK, Angola and Afghanistan.
17+ years experience in the field of Customs Automation Systems and deployment (ASYCUDA++ and ASYCUDA World modules) and support for ASYCUDA system.
Professional Software Engineer with expertise in planning, analysis, design, development & implementation, testing and maintenance of software applications.
3+ years' experience as an IT Consultant UNCTAD.
Experience in upgrading mission critical applications in a production environment (Romania, Moldova, Albania, Afghanistan, UK-Gibraltar, Kosovo and Kazakhstan).
Expert in ASYCUDA++ and ASYCUDA World.
Comprehensive understanding of SO Class, JAVA, Pascal OOP, SQL programming languages, ORACLE RDBMS, and multiple development platforms.
35+ years experience in Customs Management, Border Processing and Modernization.
Over 18 years of experience managing complex projects, including business transformation, IM/IT initiatives with overall budgets of $10M or more.
Expertise in assessing business needs and translating requirements into systems functional specifications.
Bilingual senior executive responsible for establishing reporting structure and oversight committees for initiatives under the Canada-US Border Action Plan “Beyond the Border".
Leading business requirements and visioning sessions including use case development.
Skilled at assessing business improvement and implementing change and transformation in service delivery.
Project Management Certificate -University of Ottawa.
35+ years experience in Customs Management, Border Processing, Operations and Modernization.
Significant executive-level experience leading Customs organizations responsible for front-line border processing.
Experience in the analysis of organizational service standards and optimization of Customs business services and performance.
Broad experience at the management level in the field of law enforcement and criminal intelligence management.
Demonstrated ability to build relationships and enhance mutually beneficial internal and external partnerships.
Expertise in strategic planning and implementing strategic border initiatives.
Responsible for leading the re-creation and formalization of the CBSA’s national mobile border enforcement team and vessel /container examination programs.
30+ years of experience developing and implementing Customs and international trade capacity building initiatives, competency-based leadership development and talent management frameworks.
Former World Customs Organization (WCO) Senior Technical Officer, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Director of International Affairs and CBSA, Director, Commercial and Trade Operations.
Practical knowledge and understanding of Customs and trade facilitation international agreements, conventions and standards.
Accredited WCO expert as Customs Modernization Advisor and Customs Diagnostic Facilitator.
15 years of international experience including 8 as hands-on capacity-builder in Africa, Asia and the Americas and 3 as Counsellor, Border Services, Mission of Canada to the European Union.
Masters Degree in Public Administration (in progress).: "International Comparative Study of Border Management University Curricula¨.
34+ years experience and leadership in Customs Investigations, policy and program development, project management, compliance verification, legislative change and training.
Extensive experience in criminal and administrative investigations.
Accredited advisor under WCO Columbus Program (Capacity Building).
Director of Criminal Investigations for the CBSA and lead for a Task Force working with the Dept. of Justice in civil litigation action against the Tobacco Industry.
Canada’s representative on the WCO Commercial Fraud Working Group
Senior Investigator with the Office of the Public-Sector Integrity Commissioner; developed the Investigations Manual for the Commission.
Senior Policy Advisor, Policing and Law Enforcement in the Office of the Solicitor General.
CBSA Manager, Policy and Legislation, Enforcement Operations.
Certified Fraud Examiner /Responsible for development and delivery of the national training program for CBSA investigators.
35+ years experience as an Internationally recognized expert in customs and international trade regulation.
Experienced in border control and reform, trade capacity building and trade facilitation measures, negotiating and implementing regional trade agreements, planning and development of “single window” programs, single administrative document programs, foreign trade statistical collection requirements.
Responsible for managing complex projects, including planning, program implementation, international negotiation and conflict resolution.
Directed the United States contribution to the development of the Harmonized Description and Coding System, a multi-lateral classification which serves as the basis for the customs tariff and foreign trade statistical programs for the United States and over 200 other nations.
At the request of the President, directed the preparation of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.
33+ years experience in Customs Trade and Tax Compliance programs, processes and policies.
Significant expertise in post clearance audit (1994 one of the engineers that developed and implemented the Post Clearance Audit program in Canada), compliance verifications, drawbacks, valuation and classification.
13+ years as Manager of the CBSA’s national Origin and Valuation Audit unit and tax programs.
Extensive experience building capacity internationally in the areas of trader facilitation, rules of origin, trade compliance verification and free trade agreements.
On behalf of the Inter-American Development Bank, developed an Origin Verification Manual and related verification programs and delivered the material to Peru’s government officials.
Under the USAID initiative - developed a guide for the government and public-sectors on the U.S. - Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement.
34+ Years Experience, US Customs and Border Protection holding key positions as Port Director, Customs Chief Inspector and Senior Operational Analysis Specialist
Experienced international Consultant participating in Customs capacity building projects in Hungary, Guatemala, Ukraine, Georgia, Mongolia, and Zambia in addition to significant experience in law enforcement / border security training
40+ Years experience in Customs, International Trade and Logistics.
Executive level experience in leading the delivery of policy and process improvement in both the public and private sectors in the field of regulatory compliance for customs, biosecurity, and transport security.
Executive Director, Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia.
Director Australian International Trade Transport and Industry Development Fund Ltd.
Master of Justice, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology and Advanced Diploma of Australian and International Trade Facilitation.
Significant experience in developing strategic policy and advisement on key border modernization issues such as Single Window and Trusted Traders.
Sean Tatham
15+ years of full software development life cycle experience – in Customs and Trade Facilitation focused projects including Customs Single Window systems in Tajikistan and Guyana.
Sean holds a Master of Science degree in Management Information Systems.
15+ years experience as an international IT consultant, with expertise covering ICT, Trade Facilitation, Single Window, and transport sector.
Relevant projects include ATW (US); ICT/F, WCO Data Mapping, and Governance/WG consultant in a series of Customs Single Window designs, implementation projects in Central Asia, ADB-financed Regional Improvement of Border Services Project, as part of the regional CAREC initiative.
23+ years experience in operational, policy, counter terrorism, UN Sanctions and training specialist in a wide range of core Customs, border management, tax, anti corruption, risk management, trade facilitation and Excise functions.
Experience in Bulgaria, DR Congo, Bahamas, Burundi, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and UK HM Revenue and Customs. Extensive experience capacity building with revised Kyoto Convention, World Customs Organisation SAFE Framework of standards and EU blueprints.
25+ years of experience working for Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) in border security, customs modernization & trade facilitation, and risk assessment.
Experience in intercepting high security threat using advance analytics in the commercial and passenger streams; implemented an enhanced risk methodology to enhance CBSA intelligence and targeting capacity.
Developed Risk Management Strategy for Haiti Customs incorporating the use of analytics, risk assessment methodologies, WCO data model, risk indicators in the intelligence and targeting programs. Developed and delivered training covering risk management, targeting and Intelligence Analysis.
38+ years experience in Customs Revenue, Audit, Harmonized Customs Tariff, import / export compliance, Rules of Origin, Cargo Control, Capacity Building and WTO Customs Valuation
Former Australian Customs and Border Protection with expertise in Compliance and Audit. Experienced international consultant with Customs modernization assignments in Tonga, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.
33 years with Australian Customs (now Australian Border Force) in field operations; leadership, change management, policy development and process improvement; and in has internationally represented Australian Customs.
Designed the four-tier method of priority rating for cargo targeting which was adopted Australia-wide and continues to operate.
Expertise in targeting and profiling strategies for high risk trade.
30+ years of experience in managing International Law Enforcement security programs, operations and initiatives.
Former Branch Chief for U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Container Security Initiative (CSI).
Expert knowledge and understanding of U.S. Customs and Border Protection laws, regulations, precedents, policies, procedures and the management of complex international law enforcement programs.
Craig Schenk
35+ years of experience as a Customs and Border Protection Officer with significant operational and managerial experience across all aspects of Australia’s border protection environment and was Australia’s Border Force Counsellor to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) from 2015 to 2018.
Significant experience in conducting operational reviews including: National Targeting, Regulated and Prohibited Goods Processing, Detained Goods and Firearms; Review of the National Trade Advice Centre.
32+ years of law enforcement experience with approximately 20 years in the operational and investigative management
Held National Manager roles within the New Zealand Customs Service, as well as being responsible for off-shore posts in Canberra and Bangkok.
Other key roles included: National Manager Integrated Targeting Centre (ITOC), National Manager Intelligence, Operations Manager Auckland Airport, National Manager Investigations (Drug, Fraud and OM).
Customs valuation expert with 15+ years experience in Customs valuation, trade facilitation, indirect tax, and Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism.
Expert on Valuation, Origin and Classification (VOC) to Customs organizations and external clients.
Provided specialist advice in the establishment and enhancement of customs and law enforcement compliance regimes to fight organized crime, including inter-agency coordinating frameworks.
Trained and mentored border officials, financial analysts and investigators, police and other law enforcement officials on the cross-border transportation of illegal goods, trade facilitation, trade-based money laundering, as well as general customs capacity building, and development of training materials including e-learning.
Mike Edwards
Extensive experience in maritime mode with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), whether dealing directly with vessels, masters and crews or researching items pertaining to the marine mode regarding the movement of vessels and the attempted smuggling of contraband items.
Was responsible for researching, designing, developing and delivering training to CBSA officers in the methodology, procedures and techniques used for vessel rummage, container examination, confined space entry and small vessel examination and the enforcement of appropriate legislation.
Participated in over 20 international training delivery sessions and or needs assessments in over eight countries with various Customs Administrations.
Senior Customs Modernization and Trade Facilitation expert, accredited by the WCO as a Rules of Origin Expert and PCA Technical and Operational Advisor, with over 23 years of experience in the field of customs operations, management, and law enforcement focusing on the MENA and African region (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Niger, Madagascar).
Conducted complex activities and multiple reviews and upgrade assignments covering several customs and trade facilitation technical areas including tariff classification, customs valuation, rules of origin, risk management, post-clearance audit, AEO, single window, fees, and right of appeal.
Developed technical proposals, roadmap projects and legal instruments aimed at the modernization of customs practices based on international standards and best practices, such as WTO TFA, WCO RKC, and WCO SAFE.
30+ years of experience with Canada Border and Customs Agency (CBSA) focused on Customs operation and programmes and passenger targeting.
Transitioned the Targeting Travellers Unit within the National Targeting Centre from a de-centralized to a centralized model. As part of this major change management initiative, a national standardized training framework was designed and implemented, standard operating procedures were established, and the Targeting Officer position was described, classified and staffed.
Provided consultation on the implementation of Interactive Advanced Passenger Information (IAPI) initiative, electronic Travel Authority (eTA) and Air Exit/Entry-Exit as it relates to the National Targeting Program.
Led the border coordination and liaison for 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics with national and international partners ensuring proper operational planning/readiness.
Customs solutions delivery expert with experience in the full solution implementation cycle including business requirements analysis, business process re-engineering, IT infrastructure, database requirements, and software deployment.
Experience working with the Asian Development Bank as a Trade Facilitation Specialist/Customs Automation Specialist for the South Asia Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation, Customs Reform and Modernization for Trade Facilitation Program.
Experience with designing and conducting Time Release Studies (TRS) and Trade Facilitation Measurement/ Frameworks.
40+ years experience in Customs and Border front line management, process modernization, operational delivery, international capacity building, trade logistics and security / emergency management. Trained as a World Customs Organization (WCO) technical resource in capacity building with strong communication skills, public speaking, inter-government relations, and performance management. Brings rich international experience through the Asia Pacific Security Project with the World Customs Organization.
30+ years experience as a Customs Project and Program Management expert. -Supported the development and implementation of a wide variety of strategic plans, business plans, organizational process improvements and risk assessment capabilities within the Abu Dhabi Customs environment for over 10 years.
Lead both business and IT teams in implementing process modernization projects across many logistical sector clients. Over two decades of deployments as training, operations, undersea and surface naval operations.
40+ years of experience in Customs Audit and business process control and management, risk assessment and management, Internal control and system-based auditing, financial auditing, IT auditing, and compliance approach for tax and customs administrations; including development of audit guidelines and audit working programs for Pre and Post Clearance Audits (PCA), AEO accreditation and monitoring audits at national (Dutch) level, EU level (EU PCA guide), USAID Handbook AEO developments 2019. Pim’s career spans over 30 years with Dutch Customs and EU assignments, and several international consulting projects.
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