
Our E-Single Window solution can optimize the management of trade facilitation and provide a Single Window for the exchange of trade-related documents between the trading community, customs, and Other Government Agencies (OGAs).

Our E-Single Window provides a public “one stop” user-friendly repository for comprehensive tariff and regulatory trade information, government advisories, and training materials.

Download our ESW Brochure in PDF Format.

The TTEK E-Single Window™ platform reduces business costs related to the movement of goods for export or import, international trade, and improves integration with related agencies and the trading community.

The purpose of an electronic single window is to promote the secure flow of trade, through the elimination of redundant reporting and processing between Customs and the OGAs, and promote border cooperation, collaboration and interoperability between these stakeholders.  The end result should be improved release times (a reduction from days to hours), a surge in revenues, increased enforcement and socio-economic returns to your country via the principles of collaborative border management.

We are pleased to offer a leading edge Electronic Single Window Solution that aligns with international principles and baselines.  Our solution will expand the number of OGA programs that interact with Customs commercial processing and deliver a more advanced electronic approach to the collection, consolidation and dissemination of commercial trade data for both the trade community and regulating programs.

E-Single Window™ Functions

•Government Single Window system for Customs and Other Government Agencies

•Digitized Licenses, Permits, Certificates, and more

•Machine Learning HS Classification, Case Management

•Trader Interface, Customs Interface, OGA Interface.

Our E-Single Window™solution focuses on a core OGA management engine that will connect all regulatory and border inspection and control agencies, and facilitate interoperable decision making for commercial border processing. We include functions for the trading community (e.g.importer /exporter /broker /Shipper /freight forwarder/ courier),  to establish an account profile.  Once authenticated, the user is presented with a personalized dashboard/web portal where they can apply for a License, Permit, Certificate, or Other (LPCO) control document, and check status on LPCOs not approved, approved, cancelled, revoked, etc.). 

The Trader is able to check import/export history, LPCO history as well as do commodity research using the 3CE classification tool.  LPCOs are appended and linked to the appropriate declaration by transaction number.  Conversely, the importer can quote the license number (and other relevant information) on the goods declaration.  It is our vision to ensure this interface is a one stop “trade hub” for initiating and managing import and export processing for Customs and act as the single entry point for all the regulatory compliance information for the private sector.  We recommend a fusion logic for matching data between the LPCO and Declaration Data be decided upon in the design phase.  We do recognize this could include:
•    Business License (importer/exporter)
•    Tariff number
•    Quantities
•    Periods (dates)

To accommodate a smooth transition to an ESW and the needs of the importing community, we often promote the declaration processing system to prompt an online electronic submission for completion of LPCO requirements for regulated or controlled goods. As part of the information validation process, the LPCO reference number is validated against the LPCO stored information to verify the correctness of the approval number. In our approach, a rejection process will occur in the event the reference number is incorrect. 

As the declaration is created, we ensure the commodity line item(s) can be added or edited using the 3CE Commodity Classification tool.  3CE creates an accurate determination (or validation) of appropriate HS codes on the entry and flags any commodities requiring additional regulatory compliance filings such as an LPCO.  A 3CE sub system component called the “Trade Data Management System” (TDM) serves as our library of electronic permit, certificate, and license templates and capture screens for LPCO applications.  

Once completed, any LPCOs required are made available for the appropriate OGA to access (for review and approval) in the ESW.  When required by an OGA, our solution will track whether payment has been made or not by the Trader/broker.  The LPCO applications are then filed into a data store for later retrieval by an OGA officer.  In our ESW, an OGA officer has a separate interface and a personalized dashboard/web portal.  The OGA officer can access their profile and make changes as desired.   Once the OGA user signs on to the system and accesses their dashboard homepage, they can access a work-list of new/pending LPCO applications.  This work-list will provide a status indicator of each application (Active, Pending, Denied, and Revoked).  
A workflow is then provided in the E-Single Window™ for the OGA. 

The OGA accesses their work-list, vets the information provided, and pending payment for the LPCO, the OGA can approve, deny, or request additional information from the Trader/filer.  The Trader receives this notice on their dashboard work-list and then revises and resubmits their application as needed.  Once approved, the Trader is notified in the same manner.  The workflow allows the OGA to make additional notes against the LPCO in case further OGA action is required.  The OGA homepage also provides several research mechanisms, including access to the 3CE Commodity Classification tool, and additional functionality to search declarations by transaction number and other key elements where identified.  OGA officers only have access to entries containing commodities over which they regulate, to ensure that privacy and sensitive information regulations are followed.

Customs also has a separate interface into the E-Single Window™.  As Customs ultimately makes the final release decision on an entry in most countries; when an LPCO is required, the customs officer can review the LPCO in the ESW as well as the OGA determination and any notes that were made upon issuance of the LPCO.  Actions recorded previously (e.g., OGA inspection required at point of entry) can be performed by the appropriate personnel (OGA or delegated custom authority).  Once the OGA officer is satisfied the regulatory risk is eliminated, they can recommend the entry be released to customs in the workflow.  Following this last OGA step, Customs collects the duties and taxes owed and release the shipment.  

Want to learn more?  Contact us.