TTEK Inc. to officially launch on May 9th, 2016

I got to thinking I need some sort of official launch date for the new start-up. I'm aiming for May 9th which is also my daughter Stella's birthday.  She turns 4!  Thanks to my friends, colleagues, partners, and mentors for getting me this far and the help and advice on shaping the model for this new business.  Let's hope for a bright future beginning May 9th!


Update on the Barbados Electronic Single Window

Update on the Barbados Electronic Single Window

A-T Solutions/PAE has done a great job delivering what many see as one of the most leading edge Electronic Single Windows today.  This ESW provides a platform to accommodate regulatory reporting and interoperability with Barbados Customs and nearly 30 Other Government Agencies.  Here's an interesting article from the Barbados Nation News and an interview with one of our team members, Bert Cunningham.

The Story Behind the "TTEK" Logo

The Story Behind the "TTEK" Logo

In choosing a logo, we felt we needed a shield to symbolize "protection".  Most government agencies in the customs, immigration, military, defense, and intelligence world exist to protect sovereign interests from a variety of threats.  It's simply a large part of our customers' missions and mandates. 

As our raison d'etre...

Introducing "Ttek"

We are happy to introduce a new tech start-up called "Ttek" that will focus on building and deploying leading edge technology for customs and border modernization. Whether there is a need for declaration processing, cargo manifesting, account revenue management, risk management, targeting and selectivity, or other border processing components, -please contact us.  If we don't have it or build it, we'll connect you with one of our partners who offer the most leading edge capability.  If you seek, "best in breed", we'll point you in the right direction.