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Border Beat - Episode 8 - Operationalizing AEO - Mike Squirrell

Border Beat Episode 8 : How can Customs include certified AEO’s into a Customs Risk Management System and identify Trusted Trade Lanes to make a more informed decision at the border? TTEK CTO, Mike Squirrel shares his thoughts on the topic and discusses how Ai driven systems can be used to identify trusted trade lanes. If an AEO is involved, can they receive the benefits of trade facilitation through an expedited clearance or release? We think so. A “Passport” for Trade may be here.

Border Beat - Episode 7 - Designing a Land Border Port of Entry - John Dolimount

Border Beat Episode 7 : What makes a truly comprehensive, modern design for a Customs land border port of entry? John Dolimount, leading global expert on designing ports of entry; and best practice for cross-border operations talks about common misconceptions, and why an integrated approach between Customs, the Trading Community and Other Government Agencies on both sides of the border is the best approach.